Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Southern Colours Project - 4

After spending most of last week helping my artist friend, Sally Arnold, create a Southern Colours blog, I'm finally back to working on my painting. I've missed it.

It is amazing what one can see when one really looks. Artists are taught to squint and open up our minds to seeing shapes and colors instead of a "lamp," or "clock," or "person." Once you get it, the world never looks the same. Shapes and colors are everywhere.

Painting this brass candlestick lamp made me realize, once again, that brass isn't just gold and brown. Look at the blues, oranges, pinks, and dark reds I've found. Although I've had it for many years, I didn't realize my lamp has feet with toes until I looked at it from an artist's point of view. Surprise! The artist's world is an amazing kaleidoscope that sometimes takes my breath away.

Tomorrow I hope to begin painting the crystals. I can hardly wait to see what shapes and colors I will find. Meanwhile, I will probably find myself squinting to find abstract shapes in the mop water while I catch up on the housework I've been neglecting.

I mentioned the Southern Colours blog. It's finished and ready for the world see. Give yourself a treat and take a look at all of the wonderful art that happens every Friday in Lilburn, Georgia.