Monday, June 8, 2009

Bird Girl Again

Here is the second version of Bird Girl.

The original painting went off to an exhibit as soon as it was framed and, meanwhile, Father Paddy asked to buy it the minute he saw it. Since it is my favorite of the last several paintings I have done, I decided to paint another version for myself.

I didn't attempt to duplicate the first painting. I simply painted the second one with inspiration as I had done the first one. I entered Bird Girl 2 into the Southeastern Pastel Society's annual competition before the first painting came home. It was one of the 65 paintings accepted out of 226 submissions.

Then Bird Girl 1 came back from the gallery. Much to my surprise, Bird Girl 2 is smaller! It is also brighter and the crystal globe is larger. And there are other differences - one is softer in feeling and the other has crisper edges. My artist colleagues in Southern Colours had quite a discussion about which painting is technically better and the conclusion was that they are simply different.

Now Father Paddy has the first Bird Girl, the second one went to Athens for the SPS exhibit as soon as it was framed, and I still haven't had the opportunity to hang either painting on my own wall. If Bird Girl 2 is sold during the exhibit, I think I'll have to wait awhile before painting Bird Girl 3.

Father Paddy kept his promise to tell me what immediately drew him to the bird girl painting. He simply loves the way the crystal is painted. He said he feels like he could reach right into the painting and pick up the objects if he wanted to. He noticed the symbolism after I pointed it out but that wasn't what caught his eye at all. Like anyone else, he loves the painting because he thinks it is dramatic and skillfully painted. He knows what he likes when he sees it. End of story.